The Homecoming

Many who are close to me know this isn’t breaking news. It’s time I say something to those who do not know after taking some time to think it over.

I will be moving back home to South Florida at the end of the month. The title of this article might have gave it away if you are learning about this now.

It is a decision I came to about a year ago after I reached a breaking point.

Lately, as the time to move keeps approaching, people have been asking me “How do you feel?” or “Are you excited?” I think to answer those questions I should speak directly to Miami and South Florida.

Miami. All of South Florida. I’m sorry. I miss you. I think about you all the time. You can tell when I talk about Miami sports teams on social media. Seriously, I talk about what it was like growing up with you: not having to wear a jacket all the time in the winter months, driving past Hard Rock Stadium on the turnpike, and not hearing any Southern accents. I left because I wanted to make something of myself and achieve great success in chasing my dreams. I learned sometimes dreams isn’t all cut out to be and they don’t all form into a reality. All that glitters isn’t gold. The last two years I thought I would stay where I was and fix things to align myself to my dream. However, my dream was not my destiny. My destiny was to return home to you on the path God is directing me.

I hope you did not feel abandoned and taken for granted while I was away. I hope when I return I’m accepted with a warm, graceful embrace after a long period of time. I understand if I have to earn your love again.

There is a paradox with us being together again. I feel like I’m starting over yet whenever I’m there I’m in a place that’s timeless because it’s home to me. It’s timeless because it’s like they say “home is where the heart is.”

To address everyone else reading this, I hope you are happy for me since most of you know I’ve been unhappy. My Homecoming is something overdue for sometime and I, at least, hope you’re happy for me as I move my journey forward.

I completely understand the way Kanye West feels about Chicago and his relationship with the city in his song Homecoming. I see why Big Sean always has Detroit on his mind and expresses it in his songs. I felt the same way during my time away.

Here’s to coming home! Here’s to starting again!

Published by onlysid19

I love sports. I'm into music and talking with people. I am a future sportscaster. Go ahead and read and enjoy.

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