Mysteries of the WWE #MarlinsHatGuy Revealed

On Cloud Conine

Do we have a WWE version of the #MarlinsMan?

We’ve documented the EPIC efforts of #MarlinsMan in the past (blog posts here and again here). Well there may be something almost as epic in the works… and his name is #MarlinsHatGuy!

Anyone who watched Wrestlemania 31 the other day (and then WWE Raw the very next night) probably noticed the Marlins fan sitting front row.

#MarlinsHatGuy - Miami Marlins Fan - WWE#MarlinsHatGuy - Miami Marlins Fan - WWE

This gets even crazier… Anyone remember Wrestlemania XXX a year ago? You know, the one when The Undertaker had his historic streak broken (we blogged about it here)? Yup, same guy!!

#MarlinsHatGuy - Miami Marlins Fan - WWE

That’s right! Two years in a row the same guy in a Marlins cap has had ringside seats for the grandaddy of them all, the “Super Bowl” of wrestling, Wrestlemania! Social media followers have deemed him the #MarlinsHatGuy!

So who is this mystery #FishFamily member? We found out! Here are 3…

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Published by onlysid19

I love sports. I'm into music and talking with people. I am a future sportscaster. Go ahead and read and enjoy.

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